On this page you will find concrete and technical information about the main projects/works underway in the Portes du Soleil Suisse SA ski area. Content is added progressively, according to the stages reached.
Enjoy reading!
The Morgins gondola lift
After 40 years of loyal service, Switzerland’s first detachable chairlift is giving way to Switzerland’s second autonomous gondola lift!
The inauguration is planned for Christmas 2023.
Étapes clés
(dates prévisionnelles)
- Fin septembre : Epissure du câble
- Mi-octobre : Livraison des cabines
- Fin octobre – novembre : Mise en service (réglages, essais, etc.)
- Septembre – novembre : Second oeuvre dans les bâtiments, reconnexion de tous les réseaux souterrains (enneigement, électricité, fibre optique, …)
- Octobre – novembre : Procédure administrative pour l’obtention de l’autorisation d’exploiter
Novembre : aménagements extérieurs.
Courant décembre : mise en service.
Mai – Septembre : Gros oeuvre I & II
2ème moitié d’Août : Montage gare aval
Fin Août : Héliportage de la ligne
Septembre – Décembre : Second oeuvre
Octobre & Novembre : Aménagements extérieurs
More information

Aiming winter 2023-24
You will find all the technical data specific to this project in the pdf below: the working plans of the lower and upper stations, the explanation of the concept of the autonomous gondola lift and a few computer-generated images showing this installation, which will be crucial for the future of mountain tourism.
Arrival at the summit of La Foilleuse and departure in the cabin - Computer graphics
Modification of the Mossettes slope

Changes for your personal comfort
As a ski lift company, Portes du Soleil Suisse SA focuses on the comfort and safety of its customers. This is why the slopes are constantly being redesigned from year to year.
The Mossettes piste in the Crosets sector is planned to be made more gentle. With the planned modifications, the difficulty will go from red to blue, with a reduced inclination and a widening of the piste. Access to Champoussin or Morgins from the Mossettes will thus be improved and facilitated.
The pdf file below shows you the plan of this project of reorganization of the track.